Cousins, best friends, roomates...

As cousins, best friends and current roommates in Taipei, Taiwan... this blog chronicles the everyday happenings of our (incredibly exciting) lives, providing us with an excuse to talk about ourselves, an opportunity to look busy when we need to, and more importantly to remind us of the jokes we keep forgetting.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I need a hobby...

The latest amusing POF correspondence...  start from the bottom and read up :)

From: Ahhcademic (View Profile)

Subject: The Jewel of Cloverdale Sent Date: 3/23/2011 12:47:05 AM
Claire -
Though my subject refers, of course, to Cloverdale Meat and Video (of which I have attached a picture taken last Christmas day - note that it is open), I am sure that it could just as well refer to you. (HOTFLIRTATION ALERT)

I will now pick a selection of the absurd smiley-style characters to the right of this message window (exempting, of course, the Dancing Green Banana, 'cause nobody effs with the DGB), those loved/hated characters that are one of the many head-shaking-quirky eccentricities that exemplify the simultaneous blessing and blight which is pof, and compose a spontaneous haiku, in gratitude for the haiku which you seriously took an afternoon off work to compose.
Hmm...which ones? Which...ones.


Ya'll just want to be
The dancing green 'nana, but -
Ya'll are just pixels

Ok, yours was better.
What scared me about meat and videos, together at last? Let's just say it was a gut feeling. Certain worlds should never collide, and certain things should never get together, like your boss and facebook, or hair and food, or black socks and shorts, or tattoo designs on shirts.

You just moved to Cloverdale last year? Where did you move from? What prompted the move?

I'll probably be out in Cloverdale next Sunday...chill with the babies in the afternoon, pole dancing lesson with a hot PoF date in the evening? ;) OR Dublin Crossing and a few pints if we need to work our way up to the "pole position"...wait, I didn't mean that to be as dirty as it sounds, but after I typed it I couldn't resist leaving it. So there.

Hi5s and warm regards from Mt. Pleasant,
From: StrawberryBlond99 (View Profile)
Subject: RE:RE:Hi Sent Date: 3/21/2011 10:51:10 PM

Hi Derek,

I'm glad you were amused... it took me all afternoon to write it. I took time off work...

The laptop I'm using at the moment is missing some keys... including the exclamation point, and both parentheses. So my smileys are really just eyes : I'm telling you this so will understand why this message is so serious... and know that I'm not really this serious, exclamation point.

I just moved to Cloverdale in April, and to be honest I didn't know it had a 'meat and video shop'. What scared you about this? Were you worried about potentially bad meat, or bad videos? I like meat, and I also like videos... so I plan to visit this shop in the near future. I did notice recently that Cloverdale has a pole-dancing fitness studio - I'm totally serious.

I'm happy you have family out here... are you planning a visit soon? I accept your challenge to a thumb-war. Ever hear of David and Goliath? I think we know who won that one... just sayin'...

Have a good night Derek,


From: Ahhcademic (View Profile)

Subject: RE:Hi Sent Date: 3/21/2011 8:18:12 PM
Claire -

Thank for the most awesome message I've received in ages. Your haiku provided some laughs of its own. Laughs all around!
Cloverdale! Cute trick to say "Cloverdale" instead of "Surrey." Far classier. ;) The last time I was wandering around Cloverdale it was Christmas day, and the only thing that was open was the "Meat and Video Shop." You know it? It scared me. I didn't enter.
Truthfully, the best thing about Cloverdale for me is my almost-one-year-old niece and nephew who live there. They rule. They're babies, so they don't do much besides eat, sleep, shit, look around, and be cute. But I love them anyway.

We have a remarkable number of common interests. Especially the important stuff, like black coffee, and thumb wars. My hands are giant. Your thumbs don't stand a chance.

From: StrawberryBlond99 (View Profile)
Subject: Hi Sent Date: 3/19/2011 8:14:13 AM
I had lots of laughs reading your profile...
FYI you are not the only one around here who doesn't snowboard.
Here's a haiku about my last pof date:

He "works hard, plays hard"
Wears hats in all his picture,
It's because he's bald
Have a great day :)